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Drainage Criteria Manual |
Extended Detention Basin (EDB) - Sedimentation Facility
An extended detention basin (EDB) is a sedimentation basin designed to totally drain dry sometime after stormwater runoff ends. It is an adaptation of a detention basin used for flood control. The primary difference is in the outlet design. The EDB uses a much smaller outlet that extends the emptying time of the more frequently occurring runoff events to facilitate pollutant removal. The EDB's drain time for the brim-full water quality capture volume (i.e., time to fully evacuate the design capture volume) of 40 hours is recommended to remove a significant portion of fine particulate pollutants found in urban stormwater runoff. Soluble pollutant removal can be somewhat enhanced by providing a small wetland marsh or ponding area in the basin's bottom to promote biological uptake. The basins are considered to be "dry" because they are designed not to have a significant permanent pool of water remaining between storm runoff events. However, EDB may develop wetland vegetation and sometimes shallow pools in the bottom portions of the facilities.
General Application
An EDB can be used to enhance stormwater runoff quality and reduce peak stormwater runoff rates. If these basins are constructed early in the development cycle, they can also be used to trap sediment from construction activities within the tributary drainage area. The accumulated sediment, however, will need to be removed after upstream land disturbances cease and before the basin is placed into final long-term use. Also, an EDB can sometimes be retrofitted into existing flood control detention basins.
EDBs can be used to improve the quality of urban runoff from roads, parking lots, residential neighborhoods, commercial areas, and industrial sites and are generally used for regional or follow-up treatment. They can also be used as an onsite BMP and work well in conjunction with other BMPs, such as upstream onsite source controls and downstream infiltration/filtration basins or wetland channels. If desired, a flood routing detention volume can be provided above the water quality capture volume (WQCV) of the basin.
An EDB can be designed to provide other benefits such as recreation and open space opportunities in addition to reducing peak runoff rates and improving water quality. They are effective in removing particulate matter and the associated heavy metals and other pollutants. As with other BMPs, safety issues need to be addressed through proper design.
Physical Site Suitability
Normally, the land required for an EDB is approximately 0.5 to 2.0 percent of the total tributary development area. In high groundwater areas, consider the use of retention ponds (RP) instead in order to avoid many of the problems that can occur when the EDB's bottom is located below the seasonal high water table. Soil maps should be consulted, and soil borings may be needed to establish design geotechnical parameters.
Pollutant Removal
The pollutant removal range of an EDB was presented in section 4.1, Table ND-2. Removal of suspended solids and metals can be moderate to high, and removal of nutrients is low to moderate. The removal of nutrients can be improved when a small shallow pool or wetland is included as part of the basin's bottom or the basin is followed by BMPs more efficient at removing soluble pollutants, such as a filtration system, constructed wetlands or wetland channels.
The major factor controlling the degree of pollutant removal is the emptying time provided by the outlet. The rate and degree of removal will also depend on influent particle sizes. Metals, oil and grease, and some nutrients have a close affinity for suspended sediment and will be removed partially through sedimentation.
Aesthetics and Multiple Uses
Since an EDB is designed to drain very slowly, its bottom and lower portions will be inundated frequently for extended periods of time. Grasses in this frequently inundated zone will tend to die off, with only the species that can survive the specific environment at each site eventually prevailing. In addition, the bottom will be the depository of all the sediment that settles out in the basin. As a result, the bottom can be muddy and may have an undesirable appearance to some. To reduce this problem and to improve the basin's availability for other uses (such as open space, habitat or passive recreation), it is suggested that the designer provide a lower-stage basin as suggested in the Two Stage Design procedure. As an alternative, a retention pond (RP) could be used, in which the settling occurs primarily within the permanent pool.
Design Considerations
Whenever desirable and feasible, incorporate the EDB within a larger flood control basin. Also, whenever possible try to provide within the basin for other urban uses such as passive recreation, and wildlife habitat. If multiple uses are being contemplated, consider the multiple-stage detention basin to limit inundation of passive recreational areas to one or two occurrences a year. Generally, the area within the WQCV is not well suited for active recreation facilities such as ballparks, playing fields, and picnic areas. These are best located above the WQCV pool level.
Figure EDB-1 shows a representative layout of an EDB. Although flood control storage can be accomplished by providing a storage volume above the water quality storage, how best to accomplish this is not included in this discussion. Whether or not flood storage is provided, all embankments should be protected from catastrophic failure when runoff exceeds the design event. The State Engineer's regulatory requirements for larger dam embankments and storage volumes must be followed whenever regulatory height and/or volume thresholds are exceeded. Below those thresholds, the engineer should design the embankment-spillway-outlet system so that catastrophic failure will not occur.
Perforated outlet and trash rack configurations are illustrated in section 4.3, Typical Structural Details. Figure EDB-3 equates the WQCV that needs to be emptied over 40 hours, to the total required area of perforations per row for the standard configurations shown in that section. The chart is based on the rows being equally spaced vertically at 4-inch centers. This total area of perforations per row is then used to determine the number of uniformly sized holes per row (see detail in the Structural Details section). One or more perforated columns on a perforated orifice plate integrated into the front of the outlet can be used. Other types of outlets may also be used, provided they control the release of the WQCV in a manner consistent with the drain time requirements and are approved in advance.
Although the soil types beneath the pond seldom prevent the use of this BMP, they should be considered during design. Any potential exfiltration capacity should be considered a short-term characteristic and ignored in the design of the WQCV because exfiltration will decrease over time as the soils clog with fine sediment and as the groundwater beneath the basin develops a mound that surfaces into the basin.
High groundwater should not preclude the use of an EDB. Groundwater, however, should be considered during design and construction, and the outlet design must account for any upstream base flows that enter the basin or that may result from groundwater surfacing within the basin itself.
Stable, all weather access to critical elements of the pond, such as the inlet, outlet, spillway, and sediment collection areas must be provided for maintenance purposes.
Design Procedure and Criteria
The following steps outline the design procedure and criteria for an EDB.
Basin Storage Volume. Provide a storage volume equal to 120 percent of the WQCV based on a 40-hour drain time, above the lowest outlet (i.e., perforation) in the basin. The additional 20 percent of storage volume provides for sediment accumulation and the resultant loss in storage volume.
Determine the WQCV tributary catchment's percent imperviousness. Account for the effects of DCIA, if any, on Effective Imperviousness. Using Figure ND-1, determine the reduction in impervious area to use with WQCV calculations.
Find the required storage volume (watershed inches of runoff):
Determine the required WQCV (watershed inches of runoff) using Figure EDB-2, based on the EDB's 40-hour drain time.
Calculate the Design Volume in acre-feet as follows:
Design Volume = [ WQCV / 12 ] × Area × 1.2
In which:
Area = The watershed area tributary to the extended detention pond.
1.2 factor = Multiplier of 1.2 to account for the additional 20 percent of required storage for sediment accumulation.
Outlet Works. The Outlet Works are to be designed to release the WQCV (i.e., not the "Design Volume") over a 40-hour period, with no more than 50 percent of the WQCV being released in 12 hours. Refer to the Structural Details section for schematics pertaining to structure geometry; grates, trash racks, and screens; outlet type: orifice plate or perforated riser pipe; cutoff collar size and location; and all other necessary components.
For a perforated outlet, use Figure EDB-3 to calculate the required area per row based on WQCV and the depth of perforations at the outlet. See the Structural Details section to determine the appropriate perforation geometry and number of rows. (The lowest perforations should be set at the water surface elevation of the outlet micropool.) The total outlet area can then be calculated by multiplying the area per row by the number of rows.
Trash Rack. Provide a trash rack of sufficient size to prevent clogging of the primary water quality outlet. Size the rack so as not to interfere with the hydraulic capacity of the outlet. Using the total outlet area and the selected perforation diameter (or height), Figures 6, 6a or 7 in the Structural Details section will help to determine the minimum open area required for the trash rack. If a perforated vertical plate or riser is used as suggested in this manual, use one-half of the total outlet area to calculate the trash rack's size. This accounts for the variable inundation of the outlet orifices. Figures 6 and 6a were developed as suggested standardized outlet designs for smaller sites.
Basin Shape. Shape the pond whenever possible with a gradual expansion from the inlet and a gradual contraction toward the outlet, thereby minimizing short circuiting. The basin length to width ratio between the inlet and the outlet should be between 2:1 to 3:1, with the larger being preferred. It may be necessary to modify the inlet and outlet points through the use of pipes, swales, or channels to accomplish this.
Two-Stage Design. A two-stage design with a pool that fills often with frequently occurring runoff minimizes standing water and sediment deposition in the remainder of the basin. The two stages are as follows:
Top Stage: The top stage should be 2 or more feet deep with its bottom sloped at 2 percent toward the low flow channel.
Bottom Stage: The active storage basin of the bottom stage should be 1.5 to 3 feet deeper than the top stage and store 5 to 15 percent of the WQCV. Provide a micro-pool below the bottom active storage volume of the lower stage at the outlet point. The pool should be ½ the depth of the upper WQCV depth or 2.5 feet, whichever is the larger.
Low-Flow Channel. Conveys low flows from the forebay to the bottom stage. Erosion protection should be provided where the low-flow channel enters bottom stage. Lining the low flow channel with concrete is recommended. Otherwise line its sides with VL Type riprap and bottom with concrete. Make it at least 9 inches deep; at a minimum provide capacity equal to twice the release capacity at the upstream forebay outlet.
Basin Side Slopes. Basin side slopes should be stable and gentle to facilitate maintenance and access. Side slopes should be no steeper than 3:1, the flatter, the better and safer.
Dam Embankment. The embankment should be designed not to fail during a 100-year and larger storms. Embankment slopes should be no steeper than 3:1, preferably 4:1 or flatter, and planted with turf forming grasses. Poorly compacted native soils should be excavated and replaced. Embankment soils should be compacted to at least 95 percent of their maximum density according to ASTM D 698-70 (Modified Proctor). Spillway structures and overflows should be designed in accordance with the City of Colorado Springs and El Paso County Drainage Criteria Manual and should consider UDFCD drop-structure design guidelines.
Vegetation. Bottom vegetation provides erosion control and sediment entrapment. Pond bottom, berms, and side sloping areas may be planted with native grasses or with irrigated turf, depending on the local setting.
Access. All weather stable access to the bottom, forebay, and outlet works area shall be provided for maintenance vehicles. Maximum grades should be 10 percent with a solid driving surface of gravel, rock, or concrete.
Inlet. Dissipate flow energy at pond's inflow point(s) to limit erosion and promote particle sedimentation. Inlets should be designed in accordance with the City of Colorado Springs and El Paso County Drainage Criteria Manual's drop structure criteria or another type of energy dissipating structure.
Forebay Design. Provide the opportunity for larger particles to settle out in the inlet in an area that has a solid surface bottom to facilitate mechanical sediment removal. A rock berm should be constructed between the forebay and the main EDB. The forebay volume of the permanent pool should be 5 to 10 percent of the design water quality capture volume. A pipe throughout the berm to convey water the EDB should be offset from the inflow streamline to prevent short circuiting and should be sized to drain the forebay volume in 5 minutes.
Flood Storage. Combining the water quality facility with a flood control facility is recommended. The 10-year, 100-year, or other floods may be detained above the WQCV. See the New Development Planning section of this chapter for further guidance.
Multiple Uses. Whenever desirable and feasible, incorporate the EDB within a larger flood control basin. Also, whenever possible try to provide for other urban uses such as active or passive recreation, and wildlife habitat. If multiple uses are being contemplated, use the multiple-stage detention basin to limit inundation of passive recreational areas to one or two occurrences a year. Generally, the area within the WQCV is not well suited for active recreation facilities such as ballparks, playing fields, and picnic areas. These are best located above the EDB level.
Design Example
Design forms that provide a means of documenting the design procedure are included in the Design Forms section. A completed form follows as a design example.
Maintenance Recommendations
Extended detention basins have low to moderate maintenance requirements. Routine and nonroutine maintenance is necessary to assure performance, enhance aesthetics, and protect structural integrity. The dry basins can result in nuisance complaints if not properly designed or maintained. Bio-degradable pesticides may be required to limit insect problems. Frequent debris removal and grass-mowing can reduce aesthetic complaints. If a shallow wetland or marshy area is included, mosquito breeding and nuisance odors could occur if the water becomes stagnant. Access to critical elements of the pond (inlet, outlet, spillway, and sediment collection areas) must be provided. The basic elements of the maintenance requirements are presented in Table EDB-1.
TABLE EDB-1 Extended Detention Basin Maintenance Considerations
Required Action Maintenance Objective Frequency of Action Lawn mowing and lawn care Occasional mowing to limit unwanted vegetation. Maintain irrigated turf grass as 2 to 4 inches tall and nonirrigated native turf grasses at 4 to 6 inches. Routine - Depending on aesthetic requirements. Debris and litter removal Remove debris and litter from the entire pond to minimize outlet clogging and improve aesthetics. Routine - Including just before annual storm seasons (that is, April and May) and following significant rainfall events. Erosion and sediment control Repair and revegetate eroded areas in the basin and channels. Nonroutine - Periodic and repair as necessary based on inspection. Structural Repair pond inlets, outlets, forebays, low flow channel liners, and energy dissipators whenever damage is discovered. Nonroutine - Repair as needed based on regular inspections. Inspections Inspect basins to insure that the basin continues to function as initially intended. Examine the outlet for clogging, erosion, slumping, excessive sedimentation levels, overgrowth, embankment and spillway integrity, and damage to any structural element. Routine - Annual inspection of hydraulic and structural facilities. Also check for obvious problems during routine maintenance visits, especially for plugging of outlets. Nuisance control Address odor, insects, and overgrowth issues associated with stagnant or standing water in the bottom zone. Nonroutine - Handle as necessary per inspection or local complaints. Sediment removal Remove accumulated sediment from the forebay, micro-pool, and the bottom of the basin. Nonroutine - Performed when sediment accumulation occupies 20 percent of the WQCV. This may vary considerably, but expect to do this every 10 to 20 years, as necessary per inspection if no construction activities take place in the tributary watershed. More often if they do. The forebay and the micro-pool will require more frequent cleanout than other areas of the basin, say every 1 or 2 years. FIGURE EDB-1
Pland and Section of an Extended Detention Basin Sedimentation Facility
Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV), 80th Percentile Runoff Event
Water Quality Outlet Sizing: Dry Extended Detention Basin with a 40-Hour Drain Time of the Capture Volume