These Transportation Impact Study (TIS) guidelines are established to help ensure a standard process, set of assumptions, set of analytic techniques, and presentation format to be used in the preparation of the TIS. All TISs prepared for the County shall be prepared in conformance with these guidelines.
B.1.1. Types of Study
Master TIS. Where large, complex projects (big box retail or residential developments over 100 acres) are planned or a project is phased over a multi-year build-out, it may be appropriate to prepare a Master TIS for the initial action followed by periodic updates for specific phases. The Master TIS must include overall phasing of improvements to coincide with project phasing.
Individual Site TIS. An individual site TIS is prepared for a project that stands alone or is a phase of a master development. It can be for a new use in an existing or remodeled building, the construction of a new building (either single occupant or multi-user), construction of multiple buildings, or the construction of new residential development.
B.1.2. Levels of Analysis
For an Individual Site TIS, the following levels of analysis apply:
Full TIS. A full TIS is required if one or more of the following conditions occur:
• Vehicular Traffic: The site-generated traffic exceeds 1,000 trips/day or 100 peak-hour trips, or new high-volume access to an arterial roadway or State Highway is proposed.
• Pedestrian Traffic: Paved pedestrian facilities exist or will be constructed on or adjacent to the site, or the proposed use will generate an increase in new pedestrian traffic.
• Bicycle Traffic: Paved bicycle lanes or paths exist or will be constructed on or adjacent to the site, or the proposed use will generate an increase in new bicycle traffic.
• When the site plan does not significantly comply with the Comprehensive Plan or the MTCP.
Intermediate TIS. An Intermediate TIS may be considered instead of a Full TIS if all the following requirements are met:
• Vehicular Traffic: Daily vehicle trip-end generation is between 501 and 1,000 inclusive, the peak hour trip generation is between 51 and 100, no high volume access to arterials or State Highways are proposed, and the Level of Service (LOS) of the adjacent facility when the development is completed equals or exceeds the minimum allowable LOS standard established for that facility.
• Pedestrian Traffic: No paved pedestrian facilities exist or will be constructed on or adjacent to the site, or the proposed use will not generate any new pedestrian traffic.
• Bicycle Traffic: No paved bicycle lanes or paths exist or will be constructed on or adjacent to the site, or the proposed use will not generate any new bicycle traffic.
Transportation Memorandum. A Traffic Memorandum may be considered if all the following requirements are met:
• Vehicular Traffic: Daily vehicle trip-end generation is less than or equal to 500, or the peak hour trip generation is between 21 and 50, and the proposed access is for local roadways or minor collector roadways only.
• Pedestrian Traffic: Paved pedestrian facilities exist or will be constructed on, or adjacent to, the site; or, the proposed use will not generate an increase in new pedestrian traffic.
• Bicycle Traffic: Paved bicycle lanes or paths exist or will be constructed on, or adjacent to, the site; or, the proposed use will not generate an increase in new bicycle traffic.
No TIS Required. No TIS is required if all of the criteria below are satisfied:
• Vehicular Traffic: (1) Daily vehicle trip-end generation is less than 100 or the peak hour trip generation is less than 10; (2) there are no additional proposed minor or major roadway intersections on major collectors, arterials, or State Highways; (3) the increase in the number of vehicular trips does not exceed the existing trip generation by more than 10 peak hour trips or 100 daily trip ends; (4) the change in the type of traffic to be generated (i.e., the addition of truck traffic) does not adversely affect the traffic currently planned for and accommodated within, and adjacent to, the property; (5) acceptable LOS on the adjacent public roadways, accesses, and intersections will be maintained; (6)no roadway or intersection in the immediate vicinity has a history of safety or accident problems; and (7) there is no change of land use with access to a State Highway.
• Pedestrian Traffic: Paved pedestrian facilities exist or will be constructed on, or adjacent to, the site; or, the proposed use will not generate any new pedestrian traffic.
• Bicycle Traffic: Paved bicycle lanes or paths exist or will be constructed on, or adjacent to, the site; or, the proposed use will not generate any new bicycle traffic.
B.1.3. Revisions and Updates
An approved TIS that has been prepared in the last three years may be revised or updated where a proposed access is changed or a change in the proposed action may result in new trip generation that exceeds the original trip generation estimates. An amendment letter addressing the changes may be accepted provided the letter adequately addresses: (1) an estimate of site trip generation, (2) existing site trip generations, (3) the differences between anticipated estimates and existing trip generation, and (4) changes to the bicycle or pedestrian facilities. If the original TIS is older than three years, an entirely new TIS shall be prepared.