El Paso County |
Land Development Code |
Article 2. Permit Application and Procedure |
9.201. Application Submission Requirements In addition to the materials listed at Section 2.303, applications for a permit for site selection of rapid or mass transit terminals, stations and/or fixed guideways shall be accompanied by the following documents and information, in the number required by the Director: (1) A list of alternative site locations considered for each of the facilities, including a no-action alternative. (2) For each alternative rapid or mass transit terminal, station and/or fixed guideway location being considered by the applicant, including the preferred alternative and the no-action alternative, provide the information specified below: (a) A general description of the proposal, with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative. (b) A discussion of social, economic and environmental impacts. The level of analysis should be sufficient to adequately identify the impacts and appropriate mitigation measures, and address known and foreseeable public concerns. (c) A location map showing the corridor and general area. (d) Any corridor location proposal, study or other documentation which includes: (i) Type, scale and appearance of the improvement; (ii) Cost estimate, including mitigation costs; (iii) Approximate timetable for construction and right-of-way acquisition; (iv) Financing plan and tolling feasibility study, where appropriate; (v) Plan and profile for the Project; and (vi) Elevation drawings for any proposed structures. (e) If a proposed alternative utilizes or affects a historic resource, or if the proposed alternative is located within a historic resource impact area, Applicant shall provide the following: a copy of the Section 4(f) evaluation required by 23 U.S.C. § 138; a copy of the Federal Highway Administration Section 4(f) approval; and a description of possible mitigation measures, including possible replacement measures, for the historic resource or the value of the historic resource. (f) A description of noise abatement measures that are proposed for each alternative, including for each alternative the costs for construction, acquisitions, operations, and maintenance, decibel reduction effectiveness, and height, length, and material type for barriers or specification for other types of noise mitigation. (3) Location map showing the corridor, project area, and surrounding area. One or more maps at sufficient scale showing the location of the proposed development and its relationship to the rapid or mass transit terminal, station or fixed guideway, and the interchanges, streets, highways, parking lots, and public facilities which are adjacent to or form an integral part of the operation of the rapid or mass transit facility. (4) Demographic information in the impact area, including: (i) Current population and density; (ii) Total employment, occupation types and major employer locations; (iii) Average household income; and (iv) Population projections in five-year increments over the next twenty (20) years. (5) If the proposed facility is a fixed guideway, the application shall also include: (a) Description of the type of motor power that shall be used to propel transit vehicles along the guideway and maximum anticipated speed of the transit vehicles along different segments of the system. (b) Maps showing the proposed right-of-way and the plan to acquire the same. (c) The minimum and maximum passenger capacity of the transit vehicles that will travel on the guideway and the anticipated frequency or scheduling of guideway use. (d) The maximum proposed grade of the guideway and the maximum curvature. Proposed curves in excess of ten (10) degrees shall be indicated on the map. (e) Identification of all buildings or other structures that must be removed in order for the proposed guideway to be built. (f) A plan for preventing collisions at points where the proposed guideway crosses other multimodal transportation corridors. (g) A study that describes and analyzes the effects of noise and vibration on neighboring property owners, with particular emphasis on residential land uses. (6) If the proposed facility is a station or terminal associated with a rapid or mass transit facility, the application shall also include: (a) A passenger impact analysis including: (i) The number of vehicle trips associated with the station or terminal at or just before any scheduled departure; (ii) The number of passengers that will likely ride only one way on any given day; and (iii) The number of passengers that can be expected to bring baggage, recreational equipment, tools, or other material. (b) The anticipated schedule of departures and arrivals at the station or terminal and the expected capacity of each transit unit. (c) The maximum length of any train that will serve the station or terminal, excluding propulsion units. (d) Basic floor plans and architectural sketches of each proposed building or structure, together with a site map showing the relative location of each building or structure. (e) A map of all roadways, parking areas with parking requirements, and other facilities showing details such as width, layout, traffic flow, pavement markings and traffic control devices. (f) Identification of all buildings or other structures that must be removed in order for the proposed station or terminal to be built. (7) Description and copies of applicable Colorado Department of Transportation permits and approvals. 9.202. Review Criteria A permit to locate a rapid or mass transit terminal, station, and/or fixed guideway shall be approved if the Permit Authority, or in the case of an Administratively Approved Permit, the Director, finds the application complies with the following criteria and the relevant criteria at Section 2.405. If the Permit Authority or the Director, as appropriate, finds the application does not comply, the application shall be denied or may be approved with conditions. (1) Areas around rapid or mass transit facilities will be administered to: (a) Promote the efficient utilization of the rapid or mass transit facility. (b) Facilitate traffic circulation patterns of roadways serving the rapid or mass transit facility. (c) Promote development that will include bike and pedestrian paths providing access to the rapid or mass transit facility. (2) Rapid or mass transit facilities will be located so as to preserve the value of buildings at the site and avoid demolition of businesses or residences to the extent possible. Proposed locations of rapid or mass transit terminals, stations, and/or fixed guideways which will not require the demolition of residences or businesses shall be given preferred consideration over competing alternatives. (3) Rapid or mass transit facilities will be located and such activities conducted with reasonable consideration, among other things, as to the character of the surrounding area as it relates to the Project area, its peculiar suitability for particular uses with a view to conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the unincorporated area of El Paso County. (4) Stations, shelters and terminals will be appropriately located to attract maximum ridership to the extent feasible and to meet transit needs. (5) Rapid or mass transit facilities will have adequate and safe ingress and egress for all transit modes and to maintenance and transit vehicle operations. (6) The location of fixed guideways will maximize joint use of rights-of-way for trails and bikeways and other transportation alternatives. (7) Rapid or mass transit facilities will be designed and located in a manner that will reduce traffic congestion. (8) Guideway design and location will not permit snow plumes from snow removal equipment on the guideway to reach the travel surface of a plowed public road except at intersections, nor shall guideways be placed or designed so that snow plumes from snow removal equipment on public roads will reach the guideway. (9) The parking areas associated with a terminal or station will be capable of holding a number of automobiles that equals the number of passengers expected to park at the terminal or station during peak periods. (10) Access roads to a station or terminal will be designed and located to accommodate, during a fifteen (15) minute period, the maximum number of automobiles anticipated to arrive before the scheduled departure of the mass transit conveyance without causing cars to back up onto the public road serving the facility. (11) A proposed location of a rapid or mass transit facility that imposes a burden or deprivation on the County cannot be justified on the basis of local benefit alone, nor shall a permit for such a location be denied solely because the location places a burden or deprivation on one local government. (12) Rapid or mass transit facilities will minimize the effects of noise and vibration on neighboring property owners, with particular emphasis on residential land uses. (13) Rapid or mass transit terminals, stations and fixed guideways will be located in a coordinated manner with other transportation systems existing or planned. (14) A positive impact on bus operations will be established before locating an exclusive bus lane in a major travel corridor. The location of an exclusive bus lane will be justified by a sufficient ridership level, an effective enforcement plan, and no significant increase in traffic congestion. (15) The proposed rapid or mass transit terminal, station and/or fixed guideway will be located so as to complement the efficient extension of planned public services, utilities and development in general, both regionally and within the County. (16) Noise levels caused by the proposed rapid or mass transit terminal, station and/or fixed guideway will follow federal noise abatement criteria. (17) The location and access limitations for the proposed rapid or mass transit terminal, station and/or fixed guideway will not isolate community neighborhoods from and, where practicable, will enhance access from community neighborhoods to public facilities including schools, military installations, hospitals, pedestrian walkways and bikeways, recreational areas and open spaces. |